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ambient cry
daryl the stranger
the hawk
harold the ranger
NEW SINGLE RELEASED JANUARY 2024 by Ankhabar – “Plombreries”
We used to struggle for control
We used to fight for control
Now to grow we must maintain
Everything must grow (must grow)
I’m always falling down the same stairs
Rickety road filled with despair
Where I’ll end up nobody knows
In a land where everthing grows
Now for the illusion of control (illusion)
We used to always have control
Now to grow we must maintain (fight)
Struggle to maintain (vacate)
Control for another (each other)
Everything must grow (must grow)
I’m always falling for the same old tricks
Maybe I thought I’d had my licks
Where I will end up no one may ever know
In this land where everything must grow
Struggling to regain control
We used to always have control
Now to grow we must maintain
Everything must grow (must grow)
Everything everything must grow
Everything must grow (everything!)
I’ll Pay Shipping / AIRPORT MUSIX
the sound of broken rulez
the rhythm of the hearT
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